Mmmmm.. Maybe because I’m at the verge of my emotions. Excited. Flattered. Eager. Afraid. Inlove.
Yeah. That’s the word. INLOVE…(now I’m smiling with this thought..Could it really be true that this cold and dead heart of mine beat for someone again?)^_^
It took me years to feel that sweet and shuddering feeling of LOVE. I have never surmised that I will found myself one day crazy about something and someone. Until he came by surprise.
I counted for 3 years. He waited for 18 years. Unbelievable at first. I was skeptical, thinking “ Could it be possible that what he uttered were really true and the things he cherished really happened?”…I need to ponder.
Whether he loved me when I was young or he loved me for what I am now, it doesn’t matter. “I counted for 3 years. He waited for 18 years”.
He loved me for no reason at all. He just said “ He loves me” and that’s it. No explanation. Paulo Coelho once said “ Love doesn’t need to be discussed; it had its own voice that speaks for itself.” Flattered, I said “ How great the power of love is!”.
And when I saw him for the first time after 18 years, I decided and said, “ now we're here at the same place just where we wished, prayed and wanted to be - LOVE.
He loved me more than I loved him. The kind of love I wanted. Not to be unfair on his part but to be secured that when I completely love him, he will never leave just like what other did.I simply wanted to be loved and cared just like the way I do.
Maybe it is too early to conclude on something new. Maybe it is too easy to say that “we can make it” but still, I hoped for that to happen because I cannot bear losing someone who completes the picture that I fancy in every solitary nights - A man who will love me over and over again.
I lay everything to God on what will happen next to our love affair because if He says YES to us, He will really mean it.
I do not ask for a dramatic ending or a teary love story. I just needed someone to build my dreams with without the slightest intention of crushing it.
I will hold on to the moment that HE IS MINE because no one could take it away from me. NOT NOW.
I still enjoy the idea that someone out there is thinking of me every second of his life and I would love to do the same. He gives me one reason why I should smile and love again. Simply because HE IS THERE..