When does falling in love start? When does loving someone come to an end? When does hating begin? When does hurting appear? When does forgiveness arise?
For me, Hate is the power that made me strong at times when I was alone, deserted and ruined by the people I loved and trusted. Living in hate and pain they say is a curse but it's more than that. It's NIRVANA. I loved the way I blamed, I loved the way I hated, I loved the way I cursed, I loved the way I blurted the Shits, the Craps and the Fucks. I loved the way I screamed their names and threw them away beneath the fiery hell. I Loved watching it burned to ashes.
But it's Long Gone Now......
Thanks to the years of hate and pain because it finally brought me to EUPHORIA. The place where bliss, forgiveness,love and happiness exist. I know I will not be invulnerable to hate and pain but I am confident that they will not ruin me again. For I have reached the edge of life's eternal LOVE and HAPPINESS. Hurl me a bunch of pain, I will bestow you with enormous love.
Hate. Pain. Forgiveness. Let's talk about it.
Prayer of Forgiveness (O Aleph)

Simply forgive me.
- I do not know why I have to forgive the man I love.
- I forgive the girl I was, not because I want to become a saint but because I do not want to endure this hatred. This tiresome hatred.
This was not what I expected.
- You may not forgive everyone and everything, but forgive me.
- I forgive everything and everyone. I forgive you because I love you and you do not love me. I forgive you because you reject me and I am losing my power.
- I am liberated from hatred by means of forgiveness and love. I understand that suffering, when it cannot be avoided, helps me to advance towards glory.
The tears I shed, I forgive.
The suffering and disappointments, I forgive.
The betrayals and lies, I forgive.
The slandering and scheming, I forgive.
The hatred and persecution, I forgive.
The punches that were given, I forgive.
The shattered dreams, I forgive.
The dead hopes, I forgive.
The disaffection and jealousy, I forgive.
The indifference and ill will, I forgive.
The injustice in the name of justice, I forgive.
The anger and mistreatment, I forgive.
The neglect and oblivion, I forgive.
The world with all its evil, I forgive.
Grief and resentment, I replace with understanding and agreement.
Revolt, I replace with music that comes from my violin.
Pain I replace with oblivion.
Revenge, I replace with victory.
I will be able to love above all discontentment.
To give even when I am stripped of everything.
To work happily even when I find myself in the midst of all obstacles.
To dry tears even when I am still crying.
To believe even when I am discredited.
-Thy will be done. Thy will be done......